According to Swedish research, short stature is a suicide risk factor. Let’s find solutions!

  • Post last modified:May 27, 2023
  • Reading time:7 mins read

According to Swedish research, short stature is a suicide risk factor. Let’s find solutions!

This is certainly not the first time that we at GuidoMaggi have talked about the strong insecurities that a short stature can cause in men. Our entire business, in fact, is focused on concretizing an elegant and effective solution to this problem by making luxury elevator shoes that can increase men’s hight without others noticing. But even though we know the market, even though we listen to the needs of our customers every day, and we know how much insecurity the short stature can cause  in today’s society, the results of some researchers conducted around the world have left us speechless.

There is not many studies investigating the correlation between height and suicide, but they are certainly enough to understand that this is a real problem that needs to be addressed. In fact, an old Swedish study showed that the risk of suicide increases by 10% for men of short stature. And a research conducted in South Korea documented a two times higher risk of suicide in short men than in tall men. Another survey reported inverse associations between height and hospitalization for self-harm.

The latest research on the topic, from Sweden, confirms this correlation. We will not go into the technical details of the study, but simply discuss its conclusions. Scientists have shown that tall men have a much lower risk of suicide than short men, according to an association that is linear: a 2-inch increase in height is associated with a 9% decrease in suicide risk.


When short stature becomes an unbearable problem

This Swedish research has not only shown that short stature exacerbates suicide risk in men, but also brings us back a possible explanation. According to scientists, these outcomes can be explained by several factors.

First of all, psychological stress and a disturbed life during childhood can impair healthy psychological development during growth. In short, the inverse association between height and suicide may be due in large part to the stigma or discrimination encountered by short men throughout their lives. This kind of trauma can undermine mental health to the point of promoting suicidal behavior in adulthood.

Another factor that researchers take into account is that men of short stature are more likely to belong to a low social class as adults (which is associated with a higher risk of suicide) regardless of their childhood social class. But this is always due to an underlying insecurity accrued from an early age of which short stature may be a cause or concomitant.

In any case, if these data confirm, as it would seem, that height may be a factor capable of determining greater or lesser suicide risk, it is clearly an important and sensitive topic. Short stature cannot and should not be an insurmountable problem.


Acting from a psychological point of view

If short stature can be an element of strong personal insecurity,  the first thing to do is intervening from a psychological point of view. Those who think that a lower-than-average height can somehow determine their personal and social worth undermine their view of ourselves for no good reason.

Although it is important to point out that not all men who desire to be taller develop psychological problems related to stature, and that individual experiences can be very different, researchers has shown that they certainly register greater risk factors.

In particular, we are talking about:

  1. Low self-esteem due to society’s perception of the value of stature: it is possible to develop a sense of inferiority that can negatively affect self-confidence.
  1. Social insecurity, especially if one feels judged or mocked. This can make it difficult to cope with social interactions.
  1. Relationship problems and difficulty finding a partner because of social stereotypes that associate male height with characteristics of masculinity and attractiveness.

Addressing these issues through psychotherapy and personal growth is undoubtedly very important when these kinds of insecurities begin to have negative repercussions in one’s life.


Finding a real solution

Let’s go back to the results of the latest research correlating stature and suicide: a 2-inch increase in height is associated with a 9% decrease in suicide risk. It seems impossible that a few inches could make that much difference, but that is what emerges.

Whether short stature is perceived as a serious problem that generates insecurity (and that needs to be addressed first and foremost from a psychological point of view), or whether it is experienced serenely, it is good to know that there is a real solution to increase male height and feel more comfortable with one’s physicality.

We at GuidoMaggi have always worked to make this solution a reality. Making a reality, the dream of those who would like to be taller, is our job and it fills us with pride, even more today after reading the results of this research.

By wearing a pair of elevator shoes every day, in fact, those who are insecure because of a shorter than average stature can drastically say goodbye to that sense of inferiority. In fact, with a pair of shoes with an internal, secret elevating system, it is possible to increase one’s stature by 2 inches and even much more. The amazing thing is that the elevations are internal, invisible from the outside, so they actually allow you to gain a height significantly greater than your natural height, but naturally, because it becomes the actual stature for everyone.

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