Durham v Derbyshire day 3

  • Post last modified:April 29, 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

There isn’t much that I can add to my report of yesterday’s game, in summing up the conclusion of it today.

Fair play to both Matt Lamb and Luis Reece, whose skill and willingness to battle in the first session was an object lesson to their team mates.  Lamb looks a very good player, especially stylish through the offside, even if there is a perceived weakness as a compulsive, and not always controlled hooker of the ball. 
Reece merely showed again what a good player he is and it is hard to see how he could be omitted from a first choice eleven, given the all-round option that he offers.
But only two of eleven players come out of the game with their reputations intact and enhanced. Brooke Guest also battled last night, but we were totally outclassed in this game, more than I thought was possible.
Very much back to the drawing board for next week’s game against a resurgent Leicestershire. Both Mickey Arthur and the club’s loyal support will be looking for a reaction in that game.
Lose again and hopes of a promotion challenge will be pretty much out of the window before the season is a month old.
A sobering thought.

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